by Heather


Monday, March 16, 2009

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Monday, March 16, 2009

By way of explaining what I've been doing this week (i.e. why there has been no comic)

I've been on break this week, so my time has gone towards goofing off rather than drawing the comic. Now that I'm busy again, I'm sure I'll be able to stick to some kind of a schedule (what). Not to mention that the storyline is taking a severe turn through not-funny plot movement, making it extremely difficult to get motivated :(

So, what have I been doing this past week? Well, among other things (many, many other things...) playing Pikmin, and preparing a Godot cosplay! Yes, that's right, folks! I'm going to Anime Central this year! (Now those of you who waded through this tl;dr will know what's going on... I should probably announce this somewhere on this site, but I don't really have a news page or anything.) I doubt I'm famous enough to warrant random fans coming up and talking to me, but if you happen to read this comic, AND you happen to see me walking around, feel free to say hi! ^^ I don't have a booth or anything, though. maybe next year...

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